Tips for Individualized Messaging on Social Media
Social media is the most accessible way in today’s digital era to share information. We have the ability to instantly promote a business, engage audience members and call viewers to action–all from the easy access of our smartphones. When you are crafting posts or messaging for your different social media accounts, it’s important to differentiate each post’s wording and context according to the app your using, even if the core message is the same. Here are some tips on improving your post performance on today’s most popular platforms.
Tailor content, engage, personalize social media.
We have the ability to instantly promote a business, engage audience members and call viewers to action¬-all from the easy access of our smartphones.
All businesses should have an up-to-date Facebook page that serve as a reliable and current source of information to customers. Therefore, Facebook posts can be lengthier in wording and more frequent. The goal of Facebook posts for businesses and brands is to disseminate information to as many people as possible in a clear and concise format. Thus, when you’re planning a post for your brand, be sure to include important details and descriptions that audience members will find useful. However, don’t go overboard–Most people don’t want to read three paragraphs about a new service or product.
Instagram should be the platform in which you only post visually engaging photos that capture audience attention. Don’t spam user’s feeds with multiple updates a day: You can use the Stories feature for that purpose. Use Instagram only a few times a week to share the most creative and captivating imagery to best communicate your brand. Your photos will help associate a certain aesthetic or feel with your business. Keep captions shorter, to the point, and followed with a clear call to action if needed.
Twitter only allows you to share 280 characters worth of text, a jump from the 140 characters permitted in the platform’s previous standards. Like Facebook and Instagram, Twitter can be used to share imagery, but more from an update or “insider look” perspective than a picturesque one. As Twitter allows only minimal text to be shared, be sure that your messaging is straightforward. Try to only focus on one aspect in each tweet. Instead of trying to fit different updates or announcements in one message, consider each tweet as a singular, independent idea. You can tweet as much as you want, so be sure to keep all posts on Twitter as brief and easy-to-read as possible.
As LinkedIn is catered towards a professional audience, keep your messaging informative, but polished. Save humor and lifestyle posts for other outlets. Your LinkedIn profile in some instances is the first online point of contact or interest for your business. Therefore, only share information that you would want a client or investor to see. LinkedIn can also be a great network to share informative articles or press releases related to your industry with audience members who share the same interest.